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Good personal hygiene is directly proportional to one’s health. It does not only protect you but also a shield to those who suffering illness and fighting against any risk of contagious diseases & preventing illness. The word Hygiene comes from a Greek word Hygiea, the Greek Goddess of health. The benefits are countless for many reasons such as personal, social, health, psychological, or simply as a way of life. As you can look at the world around us it’s pounded by bacterial diseases and viruses. To understand, viruses are 100 times smaller than the average bacterium, they can’t be seen with an ordinary microscope. It can only exert influence by invading a cell because they’re not cellular structures. It begins entering your body through the way it can, through eyes, nose and cuts. They take over the good cells and destroy the cells when they breakout. Since there is so much the body then sort of fails and sickness in general it kills your immune system. It can infect every living thing such as from plants, animals, especially to human beings. There are preventive measures to reduce the chances of infection. This may help the immune system to be strong and to fight against the virus.

  1. Wear face mask or surg to prevent transmission of virus.

They are not to help you to prevent catching a virus, but they prevent you from passing one on. Masks are mean to reduce the particles that you exhale and to prevent to inhale by an opponent. One thing face mask helps you not to touch your face, nose, mouth with your fingers.

  1. Proper Hygiene: Wash your hands & Take a bath every day.

A person who does not take a bath would produce sweat accumulation, dirt, odor on the skin. The living micro-organism from the body is harmful, giving a high chance of various diseases and illnesses. Also, our hands are the busiest part of the body because we touch anything we see. We often touch our face, nose, eyes with our hands not knowing our hands are full of dirt. Washing our hands and use hand sanitizers is one of the best ways to protect from getting sick such as catching colds. It is one of the basic ways of cleaning ourselves.

  1. Nutrition & Diet

Eating a healthy diet tend to be healthier with stronger immune system and lower risk of chronic illness and infectious diseases. It can also reduce of developing health problems including obesity, diabetes, heart failure and some types of cancer. We should eat variety of fresh and unprocessed foods every day to get vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and antioxidants. Do not overcook vegetables and fruits as this can lead to the loss of vitamins. Drink enough of water regularly. It helps maintain balance of body fluids and prevent from dehydrating. Lastly, regular physical activity is a great for your immune system. Regular exercise can help reduce your risk of serious health issues.

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